Who else to read (FIRE):

So, I wasn’t sure what to title this blog post, I tried a few different variations, and none really worked, but they are all FIRE blogs. This is a list of various other blogs that I have been reading over the past few months/years- and they all have something else to give/learn from:

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Tony / One Million Journey

A refreshingly honest person that blogs about the money he lost as well as honest figures about where he is on his journey to F.I.R.E. He also has a ton of investments in P2P- so if you want to see even more of a list, head on over

Gentleman’s Family Finances

Living in Scotland with 2 kids, on their journey to F.I.R.E. Only slightly older than me- but definately a bit “deeper” into their F.I.R.E journey, one of the few places to read about VCT’s and a few other quite niche topics (relating, mostly, to FIRE)

P2P Millionaire

So this blog has a little less to do with F.I.R.E directly, but tons and tons of data about P2P. If there is a platform worth considering, its likely these 2 people have invested and written about it.

FIRE V London

We all know London is expensive, so is it possible to F.I.R.E here? FIRE v London would hopefully like to think so! Aiming for a rather FAT-fire, it’s very interesting to see how they are going to manage this.

The FIRE Shrink

An “average” couple that are saving more than they spend, hoping to be FI (if not RE) in the future. He even goes further than I did into running a car as cheaply as possible

Banker on FIRE

Tons and tons of content here, really useful look at many of the tools that you can use to FIRE quicker than you thought

A chat with Kat

Kat’s not only about the FIRE/passive income, but also about Pilates thrown in as well. She’s just starting her journey, but talks about all the things that she is trying so you can see what’s working for her (and what isn’t!)

Weenie / Quietly Saving

This blog is really really down to earth. More of a journal about what she’s doing as she gets close to FIRE, but a really refreshing view.

There are utterly tons more blogs- so sorry if I didn’t feature you (I might already be reading it)- but feel free to add yours in the comments. I might even update this list when/if people find it useful. Until next time, keep on saving!


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